AamAadmi Party senior leader Rajesh Gupta today said that people of J&K want to get rid of BJP Govt for seeking redressal of their aspirations. While speaking at a function organized in connection with membership drive in Ward number 14Bhagwati Nagar Jammusaid that the people of Jammu and Kashmir were fed up with the failures of the BJP Govt and are suffering on all counts.
He alleged that the BJP had gained power after “betrayal of the mandate” and its experiments cost too much to the people of J&K who lost their identity as a state besides all safeguards to their land and jobs. He said that people are yearning for a change and want riddance from the BJP’s misrule in view of the dangerous attempts to polarize the country on religious lines for narrow electoral gains.
“The only achievement of BJP is to create division and hatred in society. The honor of people of Jammu has been compromised and downgraded by the leaders who claimed to be the champion for the cause their case in the region. BJP climbed political ladder rising voice against discrimination with the people of this region.
And, ended up doing some disparity with the people who gave them the power to rule the country,” Gupta alleged.Claiming that people were disturbed over the change in BJP’s attitude after getting a clear mandate, Gupta said that the public would teach a lesson to the BJP in J&K Assembly elections due later this year.
“BJP will lick dust in the coming J&K assembly polls,” Gupta said while interacting with aggrieved people of Bhagwati Nagar as a part of his door to door campaign to mobilize public opinion against wrong policies of BJP Government.AAP leader alleged that BJP has failed to fulfill the promises made during elections campaign.
“BJP is full of arrogance over the majority that it got and has not fulfilled even a single promise that it made to people of J&K. People have now come to know its reality,” he said.“Everyone knows what happened in J&K after giving them mandate, people are now realizing that they have committed a mistake by giving majority to BJP,” he said.
Gupta said that people of J&K are also eagerly awaiting for the next available opportunity to teach BJP and its allies a lesson for letting them down and not fulfilling promises made to them.Gupta gave a clarion call to the people to prepare themselves for giving a befitting reply to the divisive forces led by BJP as the opportunity would arise in the coming Assembly elections.
“You must question BJP leaders including the area MP and former Ministers when they approach you for votes as to why they failed to fulfill their promises of all round development and resolving the problems of particularly vulnerable people living in miserable condition,” he said.