To make public aware of the hazardous effects of plastic and dissuade them from using it, a 15 days Intensive Campaign against Single Use Plastic (SUP), (Plastic Se Aazadi) began from tourist destination Kokernag, today.
During the campaign, various activities including rallies, seminars and awareness programmes will be held to aware general public about the ill effects of plastic on the environment.The campaign is a joint venture by MC Kokernag, Forest Range Kokernag and Pollution Control Board Anantnag.
On the first day today, plastic wrappers, used plastic bags and other plastic substances were cleared from Vulnerable spots of Kokernag Botanical Garden and Kokernag Market jointly by a team of MC Kokernag and Forest Range Kokernag led by President MC Kokernag and Range Officer Forest Range okernag.
Earlier, a Joint press conference followed by an awareness programme was also organised, during which the aims and objectives of the said 15 days long Campaign were made public.
On the occasion experts spoke about the ill effects of plastic on the environment, besides alternatives to plastic. They also stressed upon the fact of mass campaigning from door to door to avoid single use plastic.