Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur inaugurated Vehicle Location Tracking Device, Emergency Panic Button System and Command Control Centre of the State Transport Department for the public from Peterhoff, here today. Speaking on the occasion, Chief Minister said that people of the State by and large were peace loving, respect each other and the law, but still the State Government was determined to protect women and children.
He said that this Vehicle Location Tracking Device with Emergency Panic Button System and Command Control Center has been connected with Emergency Response Support System 112. When the panic button is pressed, a signal would be received through satellite to 112 and the person in distress would be connected and alert the police.
Jai Ram Thakur said that after the unfortunate incident of Nirbhaya, the Central Government has made it mandatory to install Vehicle Location Tracking Device & Emergency Panic Button in public transport vehicles for the safety of women and children. After the establishment of this monitoring Centre, it would be easy to detect the theft of vehicles and vehicle accidents for the safety of women and children in the State, he added.
Chief Minister that this was an innovative initiative, which would make the roads of the State more safe and secure. He said that the State has pioneered in implementation of this Project, which was a matter of pride for every people of the State. He said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was always endeavouring to promote technology in the country.
He said that the vehicle registered in Himachal Pradesh and equipped with this device could be tracked anywhere in the country, which was indeed a technical marvel. Jai Ram Thakur said that this initiative would provide prompt and accurate information regarding the vehicle equipped with this device at the time of any emergency.
He said that the rescue operation in respect of the Kullu bus accident was also delayed due to the delay in information regarding this accident. He said that the State Government provided cent per cent concession of Token Tax, SRT and PGT to Stage Carriage, Contract Carriage and buses to educational institutions from 1st April, 2022 to 30th September, 2021 to provide them relief during this testing time.
He said that with this initiative the transporters were provided relief of Rs 164 crore.He said that more than 9423 vehicles have been connected to this system and complete details of vehicles where they have moved in the last one year would be available in the monitoring Centre.
Jai Ram Thakur said that the State Government was serious on promoting Electric Vehicles in the State and the State Government has implemented the Himachal Pradesh Electric Vehicles Policy, 2022. He said that a total of 1150 electric vehicles have been registered in the State till date.
We have set a target of about 15 per cent growth in electric vehicle registration by the year 2025, he added. He said that the State Government was providing 100 percent exemption in registration fee and token tax at the time of registration of electric vehicles.
Chief Minister said that the State Government has also decided to introduce a chapter of road safety in the curriculum of students from class six onwards. He also suggested that this project must be given a name. He said that being a hilly State, road transport was the main mode of transportation.
Chief Minister also inaugurated the website of the Road Safety Cell and released publicity literature and material related to Vehicle Location Tracking Device and Emergency Panic Button System and Command Control Centre on the occasion.
Urban Development Minister Suresh Bhardwaj congratulated the State Transport Department for adding a new feather to its cap by being the first to implement this scheme in the country. He said that the electric buses were proving of great help to provide pollution free transport facilities to the people of the state.
He said that it was the present State Government led by Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur that strict guidelines for plying of school buses have been laid down to minimise any untoward incident.Transport and Industries Minister Bikram Thakur said that Himachal Pradesh was the first State in the country to start this innovative project and credit of this goes to the Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur.
He said that the State Government was committed to ensure welfare of every section of the society. Mukhya Mantri Swavalamban Yojna has ensured that the youth of the State becomes job providers instead of Job seekers, he said. He said that even during the corona times the employees of the Transport worked with dedication and commitment to ensure that no one was affected due to the pandemic and all stranded Himachalis were brought back home.
He said that the electric Vehicle Policy would also ensure that the people of the State get safe and comfortable transport facilities. He said that chapter on related to road safety would be introduced in the school curriculum to educate the younger generation.
Principal Secretary Transport R. D. Nazeem welcomed the Chief Minister and other dignitaries present on the occasion. He said that the system would ensure check in theft of vehicles along with crimes involving vehicles etc. He said that the State Government was also promoting electric vehicles in a big way.
Director Transport Anupam Kashyap presented a vote of thanks.Director C-DAC Satish Sinha made a detailed presentation regarding the salient features of this project. He said that this system would go a long way in making the roads more safe and secure.
Chairman HIMFED Ganesh Dutt, Principal Private Secretary-cum-Advisor to Chief Minister Dr. R.N. Batta, Managing Director Himachal Road Transport Corporation Sandeep Kumar, teachers and students of various schools of the City were present on the occasion among others.