Rural Development, Panchayati Raj and Agriculture Minister Virender Kanwar participated in the National Conference of State Agriculture and Horticulture Ministers held in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Speaking on the occasion, he demanded to open a national level Center of Excellence for Natural Farming in the state.
During this two-day national conference, Agriculture Minister of Himachal Pradesh detailed about Subhash Palekar Prakritik Kheti adopted in Himachal Pradesh. He said that this method of farming is becoming very popular in Himachal Pradesh and farmers and orchardists are adopting natural farming.
He said that Subhash Palekar's method of natural farming has reached about 99 percent of the panchayats and is set to be adopted by all the panchayats of the state.On this occasion, Virender Kanwar also provided information about the developmental activities of other projects including JICA project, HP SHIVA project and World Bank funded Himachal Pradesh Horticulture Development Program being run in the state for crop diversification.
He also expressed gratitude towards the Central Government for providing assistance for these projects.Agriculture Minister was accompanied by Agriculture Secretary Rakesh Kanwar, Agriculture Director N.K. Dhiman and other officials.