Industries Minister Bikram Singh participated in the meeting of Apex Monitoring Authority for National Industrial Corridor Development Programme (NICDP) at Delhi, today.In the meeting, Himachal Pradesh Government presented a strong case for inclusion of Una in Amritsar Kolkata Industrial Corridor (AKIC) project.
During the meeting, Industry Minister emphasized that the Una district, which is just 80 km from BBN Area, has a potential of becoming another industrially developed district of the State.
He apprised them the district is it well connected with excellent road as well rail network. He informed that the State Government has already proposed Bulk Drug Park and EV Park in the district.
He said that the district has State’s first Food Park and seven developed industrial areas. Further, there are few upcoming Industrial Areas in the district with a total land parcel of around 2000 acres.
Keeping in view of these development he requested to include Una under AKIC project that will provide much desired impetus to the industrial development not only in Una district but also will provide economic boost to the neighbouring districts that constitute almost 50 percent of State’s population.
He shared that the Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), a joint venture between the State Government and NICDC is being formulated and the master plan for the trunking infrastructure has been prepared by the professional agency hired by NICDC.
He apprised that in the BBN Area projects of ‘National Importance’ have been grounded such as Medical Devices Park (300 acres), Defence Park (800 acres).Industries Minister expressed gratitude towards the Union Government for their positive approach in infrastructure projects of the state.
He also apprised about the development made in BBN Node completion of ground survey and identification of five Integrated Manufacturing Clusters (IMC) in BBN Area with a land parcel of more than 1000 acres.Director Industries Rakesh Kumar Prajapati also attended the meeting.