J&K Biodiversity Council in collaboration with J&K Forest Department today organised a “One Day Training program on Biodiversity” in the auditorium of SKUAST Campus Shalimar here.The programme was participated by Chairpersons and members of various Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) from Kashmir division besides officials of line departments.
During the program, PCCF (HoFF) J&K/Chairman, J&K Biodiversity Council Dr. Mohit Gera spoke about the unique biodiversity of Jammu and Kashmir and gave a detailed account of activities of council to ensure biodiversity conservation and its sustainable utilization. He also highlighted the role of BMCs in Biodiversity Conservation and need to make them aware of their role and responsibilities.
He impressed upon BMCs to work with full zeal and dedication and get associated with the updation of People Biodiversity Registers which are the documents of biodiversity within their jurisdiction. He also spoke about likely impact of climpae change on biodiversity of Jammu & Kashmir and steps required to protect all life forms and create resilient ecosystem.
Dr. Mohit Gera impressed upon to create a massive awareness at the grassroots level with respect to biodiversity conservation through Biodiversity Heritage sites, Sacred grooves and CEVMS. He also detailed out various initiatives of biodiversity council on active involvement of BMCs in sustainable collection and utilization of Non-Timber Forest Produces (NTFP).
He further elucidated that the Department has taken number of steps for sustainable utilization of forest produce and BMCs are being involved along with SHGS for this purpose.It was informed that biodiversity education, ABS, protection of traditional knowledge recorded in PBRs, conservation of traditional varieties/ breeds of economically important plants/animals are also being planned by the Biodiversity Council.
Earlier the program started with a welcome address by Asaf Mehmood Sagar, APCCF/ Director, J&K Forest Research Institute and Member Secretary, J&K Biodiversity Council in which he discussed about conservation of biodiversity, its sustainable use and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the use of biological resources.
Nadeem Qadri discussed about Biodiversity Act / Rules and impressed upon the importance of services provided by biodiversity and need to conserve the same.Dr. Anzar Khuroo, Member, J&K Biodiversity Council provided useful inputs on process of PBR preparation / updating and the importance of maintaining a People’s Biodiversity Registers.
Dr.Nazir Ahmad Zeerak discussed about Traditional Knowledge and Biological Resource Conservation regarding Agri-Horticultural crops of Kashmir.Panel discussion was also held regarding roles and responsibilities of BMCs with panellists Dr. Khursheed Ahmed, Nadeem Qadri, Dr. Raja Muzaffar, Prof. S.A Gangoo and Nazir-be-Nazir.During the function a book “Common Trees of Kashmir”-a pictorial guide complied by Dr. Monisa Banday, RFO & Mudasir Mehmood Malik, DCF was also released.