The District Consultative Committee/ District Level Review Committee (DCC/DLRC) meeting for the quarter ending March, 2022 of Bandipora District was Monday held under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner (DC) Bandipora, Dr. Owais Ahmed in the conference hall of Mini Secretariat, here.
It was given out that Banks operating in the district have extended credit aggregating to an amount of Rs.399.65 crores under priority sector and Rs.224.91 crores under non priority sector, aggregating to total credit of Rs.624.56 crores against the yearly Target of Rs. 887.13 crores.
The meeting was informed that Banks have registered an achievement of 52 percent in priority sector and 193 percent in non priority sector marking an achievement of 70 percent in total annual credit plan.Lead District Manager (LDM) apprised the chair that JK Bank alone has disbursed RS. 313.39 crores under priority sector and 205.80 crores under non priority sector aggregating to total credit of Rs.519.19 crores against yearly Target of 444.24 crores.
While reviewing the performance of Banks and concerned Government departments, Dr. Owais directed the concerned to conduct financial literacy camps for the effective implementation of Government schemes. He said public awareness camps regarding Government schemes are essential to pass on benefits to the grassroots level.
He stressed on speedy disposal of Government Sponsored cases and advised all the banks and the sponsoring agencies/ departments to work in coordination to achieve the goals and targets for development progress and eradication of unemployment.
The meeting was attended by Additional District Development Commissioner Bandipora, Mohammad Ashraf Hakak; Lead District Manager (LDM) Bandipora, Ishtiaq Ahmad; District Coordinators of banks and district heads of various departments.