KVK Ropar organized Garib Kalyan Sammelan- Shat Pratishat Sashaktikaran. The event was conducted under the aegis of Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and ICAR ATARI Zone-1, Ludhiana. Dr. Satbir Singh, Deputy Director, KVK Ropar, welcomed the huge gathering and informed that this event was organized under the guidelines from ICAR, New Delhi. He added that more than 500 farmers, farm women, entrepreneurs/ KVK ex-trainees, entrepreneurs and private agencies participated in this grand event.
Dr. Satbir Singh also apprised that live web cast of the address by honourable Prime Minister from Shimla was the main feature of this sammelan that aimed at sharing experiences about various government welfare schemes.Dr. Amarjit Singh Senior Extension specialist, PAU Ludhiana & the Chief Guest of the event while addressing the farmers elaborated the concept of Integrated disease management in kharif crops.
Dr Singh also laid stress on need for market driven agricultural enterprises. Dr. Harpreet Kaur, Sr Entomologist, PAU Ludhiana and guest of honour, shed light on current issue of attack of fall army worm in Maize. Dr. Kaur stressed on adoption of proper spraying techniques for effective control of FAW instead of non-judicious pesticide usage.A gala exhibition of stalls was also arranged during this event by KVK, that included stalls from various entrepreneurs and private agencies.
Sale of PAU Seed and livestock mineral mixture was another major attraction of the event. Dr Aparna, Assistant Professor (Livestock production) Dr. Sanjeev Ahuja, Assistant Professor (Horticulture), Dr. Pawan Kumar, Asstt. Prof. (Pl. Protec.), Dr Ankurdeep Preety Assistant Professor (Agroforestry), Dr. Princy Assistant Professor (Home Science) and Dr. R.S. Ghuman DES, FASC Ropar shared information on advances in agriculture and allied enterprises.The event ended with a vote of thanks from Dr. Sanjeev Ahuja, Asstt. Prof. (Horticulture).