To run life in a healthy and sustainable way, no action can be done above the breath, whose main responsibility is raised by our lungs and we all know that how important is the usefulness of lungs in our life.The function of the lungs is to filter the air we inhale, so that contaminated or harmful causes do not enter the body. But bad habits like smoking, drinking alcohol and consuming things that are harmful to the lungs, etc. can cause lung cancer. Lung cancer is a serious problem that should not be taken lightly.
Let's know more about this disease:

When cells in the body start getting out of control, that is, they start growing more than necessary. Lung cancer is a leading cause of death globally. It is also one of the major health problems in India. Lung cancer usually begins in the cells of the bronchi and parts of the lungs, such as the bronchioles or alveoli. Cancer can also spread to the lungs from other parts of the body. When cancer cells spread from one part of the body to another, they are called metastasis.

Types of Lung Cancer:
According to health experts, there are two types of lung cancer-
1. Small Cell Cancer &
2. Non Small Cell cancer.
Small cell lung cancer spreads rapidly while non-small cell lung cancer spreads less rapidly than small cell lung cancer. Small cell cancer cells appear very small when viewed under a microscope. It is a rare cancer, with one in eight people with lung cancer developing small cell cancer. This cancer grows rapidly.
Non-small cell lung cancer cells are larger than small cell lung cancer. This cancer is more commonly found. About 7 out of 8 people get this type of cancer. Its cells do not develop rapidly and its treatment is also different.
Types of non-small cell lung cancer
It mostly affects young age groups and is more common in women than men. It is less lethal than others.
Squamous cell carcinoma: Usually occurs in people who have a habit of smoking.
Large Cell Carcinoma: It is the deadliest form of lung cancer.
Sarcomatoid carcinoma: It is a less common form of cancer.
Symptoms of Lung Cancer:
Causes of Lung Cancer:
Cigarette smoking:
It is the biggest factor in lung cancer. When you use tobacco in other forms, it may increase your risk of developing lung cancer and other types, such as mouth and esophageal cancer.
Breathing Radon:
It is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that comes from the small amounts of uranium present in all soils and rocks. When breathing in radon, it can damage the lungs. In particular, it causes more harm to people who do not smoke.
Air pollution:
In many professions, many chemicals and substances are used that are very likely to cause lung cancer. These chemicals are asbestos, cadmium, coal, arsenic, nickel and silica. Air pollution from vehicles and prolonged exposure to highly polluted air increases its risk.
Prevention for Lung Cancer:
Abstain from smoking:
If you've never smoked, never start it. Talk to your children about not smoking so they understand how to avoid this major risk factor for lung cancer. Have a conversation with your children about the dangers of smoking.
Avoid being in smoke(cigarette):
If you live or work with a smoker, advise them to quit. Minimise contact with them, and ask them to smoke outside. Avoid areas where smoking occurs, such as bars and restaurants, and places to smoke.
Prefer fruits and vegetables in the diet:
Choose a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables. Choose only things with vitamins and nutrients in your food. Avoid taking large vitamin tablets in pill form, as they can be harmful.
Daily Exercise:
If you don't exercise daily, start slowly. Try to exercise on most days of the week.
Treatment for Lung-Cancer:
Diagnosis of lung cancer:
If the diagnosis of lung cancer is early i.e. stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3, then surgery can be treated. In some cases, surgery and chemotherapy and radiotherapy may be curable. Lung cancer is treated in several ways, depending on the type of lung cancer and how far it has spread.
Treatment for non-small cell lung cancer:
People with non-small cell lung cancer may be treated with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these treatments. People with small cell cancer are usually treated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
Treatment of cancerous tissue:
Surgery is an operation in which doctors cut and remove the cancerous tissue.
Using special drugs to kill cancer. In this, medicine pills can be given to the patient or medicines are delivered into the body through a vein.
Radiation therapy:
Use of high-energy X-ray rays. High-energy X-ray rays are used to kill cancer.
Target therapy:
It can prove to be an effective remedy in eliminating cancer. In this, medicines are used to eliminate cancer.