Air pollution or air contamination is the mixing of unwanted elements in pure air and the reduction in its purity. Pollution occurs when gases, dust particles, fumes or fumes or odours are introduced into the atmosphere in a way that makes it easier for humans. Harmful to animals and plants. Along with this, it is also capable of giving rise to many other life-related complications, which need to be resolved in time.
Affected Life-cycle:
Air pollution affects the exquisite range of life-cycle created by our nature in various ways. Air pollution is a threat to the health of humans and other living beings on our planet. It creates smog and acid rain, causing cancer and respiratory diseases.

Ozone Depletion & Temperature Rise:
It is also an important contributor to the depletion of the ozone layer, the consequences of which humans are suffering in many forms, such as polluted environment and global warming. This has also led to an increase in the temperature of the earth which has resulted in the melting of glaciers and an increase in sea levels.
Breath Disorder & Lung Dysfunctioning :
When we breathe, pollution enters our lungs as well as our bloodstream. It can contribute to small annoyances like coughing or itchy eyes to worsen many diseases involving the lungs, leading to hospitalizations.

Far-sighted steps in technology-oriented time:
However, there is no doubt that in today's technology-oriented time, the reality of life cannot be imagined without the use of machinos, and in the direct sense it should be taken into account that air pollution cannot be completely eliminated in the industrial age. But by understanding it closely and under effective measures, far-sighted steps can be taken to control this dilemma to a great extent.
Policies to curb the emission of industrial harmful products :
At present, every country has expressed concern about the effects of air pollution according to their ability. In an effort to control air pollution, the governments of almost every country have policies or ordinances to restrict the increasing emissions of harmful gases & products.
How can an individual contribute?
The human race can also make a valuable contribution to this. At an individual level, we can reduce our contribution to the problem of pollution by carpooling or using public transport. In addition to this, by using more renewable sources of energy, planting trees, and saving natural resources, and by efficient efforts for the awareness of the next generation, we can give valuable support, due to which this life-threatening problem of air pollution is increasing in the world. be controlled.
What message do researchers want to convey?
For tackling this emerging world health problem responsible for numerous diseases, the community of researchers is suggesting through commendable ways like they have called for increased funding for pollution control from governments and donors, better monitoring and a new independent scientific body to assess the problem, modelled on the International Panel on Climate Change. Moreover, the suggestions & workable submitted reports are agreed by all governments of the world.
Middle-income countries most affected:
It has been found from the conclusions obtained from a special study that the highest percentage of loss of life caused by air pollution comes from middle-income countries, which is quite surprising. More than 90% of pollution-related deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries such as India and Nigeria. Whereas high-income countries, such as the US and members of the European Union, controlled the worst forms of pollution.

Air Pollution responsible for premature deaths: WHO
According to a World Health Organisation (WHO) report outdoor pollution leads to an estimated 4.2 million premature deaths every year & Nearly one in five cardiovascular disease deaths are due to dirty air, which was ranked the fourth highest risk factor for mortality after high blood pressure, tobacco use and poor diet and exposure to high levels of air pollution is associated with a life-threatening heart condition.
Largest existential threat to human health: Experts from Boston College
Citing its setbacks to the human race, Prof Philip Landrigan, at Boston College in the US and a lead author of the analysis, expresses his concern as - pollution is still the largest existential threat to human and planetary health. Preventing pollution can also slow climate change – achieving a double benefit for planetary health – and our report calls for a massive, rapid transition away from all fossil fuels to clean, renewable energy.
Air Concentration measures & Mask-Identification:
Work or physical activities should no longer be restricted at any cost, so for that lets know the air concentration level and related mask selection measures.

PM 10 Concentration:
When particulate matter (PM) 2.5 and PM 10 concentrations are high -- above 35 micrograms per cubic metre (g/m3) and 50 g/m3, respectively -- it would be sensible to stay indoors as much as possible and wear an N95 mask outside, particularly in areas of heavy traffic.
Pollution Particles :
PM 2.5 refers to tiny pollution particles in the air that are two and half micrometres or less in width, while those with a diameter of 10 microns or less are called PM10.
The following measures can prove to be effective in air pollution control in a big way:
Fuel replacement is another way to control air pollution. |
The use of solar, wind and geothermal energy reduces air pollution to a large extent. |
Air pollution can be controlled by reducing the use of fire and fire products. |
Work can be done in this direction by encouraging process control devices to control pollution. |
Preference may be given to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) in place of vehicles running on petrol and diesel. |
By implementing strict guidelines towards automobile engine checking mechanisms. |
A very effective way of controlling air pollution is to reduce the air pollutants. |
Another way to control air pollution caused by industries is to modify and maintain existing equipment so that emissions of pollutants are minimised. |
Plants and trees reduce a large number of pollutants in the air. Ideally, planting trees in areas with high pollution levels would be extremely effective. |
Following are the important causes of air pollution:
Air pollution through burning of fossil fuels |
Harmful gases emission through automobiles |
Air contamination through agricultural activities |
Factories & Industrial emission |
Mining-Activities & extraction of chemicals |
Domestic Resources |
Curbing deforestation can be a major saviour in controlling air pollution:
Curbing deforestation can be a major saviour in controlling air pollution as deforestation can be defined as the removal of trees on a large scale from forests or other land. Plants use carbon dioxide from the atmosphere for the process of photosynthesis, which reduces the amount of carbon-di-oxide gas in the atmosphere. As the number of trees decreases due to deforestation, the amount of carbon-di-oxide gas in the atmosphere increases, which is largely responsible for the problem of air pollution.
Conclusion on Air Pollution :
As part of determined efforts to tackle the complexities of life posed by air pollution, we now look forward to working together with parliamentarians to solve the air pollution crisis and combat the climate crisis together and take forward this dialogue that Air pollution is a public health problem that can be rectified only by mutual understanding and contribution of every individual at the global level.