Mandi, BJP State Incharge Avinash Rai khanna met the elected BJPrepresentatives of municipal corporation Mandi.He took stock of the political situation of mandi and was given feedback by the councilor of mandi corporation. He said that it was quite a fruitfull meeting and a considerable feedback was received from all elected BJP councilors of Mandi Municipal corporation. The corporation is is doing good work under BJP leadership.
Councilors are the strongest link between the public and the government , as all public works start from the contact between the councilor and the public.He said it is quite a uplift task to set up an Municipal corporation and the area gets a lot of benefits from it's formation, our chief minister Jairam Thakur has done a good job in creation and making the corporation strong.MC Mandi is ruled by BJP, State Government is run by BJP and the centre government is run by BJP. It makes a triple engine progressive government in mandi.