BJP State Co Incharge Sanjay Tandon while addressing gram kendr pramukh sammelan for district Shimla in fagu said that workers are the frontal force of our organisation when our Gram kendra and booth becomes strong the organisation gets stronger.In shimla organisational district we have more than 700 workers working to make our booth stronger.We are heading towards elections and BJP is fully confident to win the upcoming vidhan sabha elections. Our workers are determined to give a fabulous performance in the elections.Tandon gave many examples to boost the confidence of the workers attending the meeting.
He said in the last five elections held in the country we have repeated our government in Manipur, Goa, Uttar Pradesh and uttrakhand.This is historical, Uttarakhand has the same topography as himachal both states are dev bhumi.The win in Uttarakhand win have a positive impact on Himachal.He said Congress leaders are not loyal to our country, rahul gandhi was spotted in Nepal with a Chinese ambasador. what is the credibility of congress? Why will public vote for such a political party.BJP has made our nation strong, it is prime minister Narendra Modi who has raised the image of India internationally.All nations globally have accepted india as a superpower, India has become Self-reliant this is because our PM who has taken india to become atmanirbhar. We are not dependent on other countries for any produce or equipments.
We have become the world's largest political party with 15 crore members this are because of the constant efforts of our leaders and party workers.He said BJP has given a corruption free governance , Direct benifit trasfer has finished the frauds that congress use to survive on.In himachal 927000 agriculturist are getting kisan samman nidhi in their accounts.Congress prime minister Rajeev Gandhi use to say that we send 100 rupees from the centre and people receive only 25 rupees, but today Narendra Modi sends 100 from the centre and people receive 100 in their account. This move has eliminated the middle man in the process.He said that our panna Pramukh is visiting households with the achievements of our state government and he is getting a positive feedback from the general public. It is panna Pramukh who will play a vital role in our mission repeat.
Urban development minister Suresh Bhardwaj said congress gave emergency to the nation but it was BJP which gave good governance. Congress never thought about the development of the country but they always thought about themselves. It was only BJP which made schemes that would benefit the poor and needy, Since Narendra Modi has come into power he has worked for the upliftment of the poor, Ayushman bharat the largest health scheme of the world has benefited 10 crore Indians. Ayushman bharat is the most popular scheme of our country, One person is eligible for 5 lac of medical care in a year.Similarly Himachal has started HIMCARE scheme to benefit people who were not covered under Ayushman Bharat and now you can take this card for Three years.We the workers of BJP have to propagate these schemes till booth level.
District incharge Daisy Thakur said BJP works on the booth to win any kind of election, we have a strong structure at the booth level. Our booth President, BLA, Palak , Panna Pramukh and panna committees make us strong at our booth. If we win the booth we win the election.District President Ravi Mehta, state vice president Purshotam guleria, State Treasurer sanjay sood, Secretary kusum sadret, pyar singh kanwar, co media incharge karan nanda, District incharge Daisy thakur, mandal president Jitender Bhotka, Rajesh sharda, dinesh thakur, Pramod sharma, Vijay Jyoti Sen and Akshay bharmouri were also present on this occasion.