Farmers’ Friendly Booklet containing details of schemes and programmes of Agriculture and allied departments in English language was today released by Director Agriculture Production & Farmers Welfare, Jammu, K. K. Sharma here at Baba Jitto, Kissan Kendra, Talab Tillo.The Booklet compiled and published by Farmers Training Centre (FTC) was released on the concluding day of the 4 day series of Farmers Training program. The booklet was released in presence of Joint Director Agriculture (Inputs), A. S. Reen, Joint Director (Extension), Subash Chander Sharma, Joint Director (Apiculture & Mushroom), Iqbal Singh, Deputy Director of Agriculture (Trainings), Deepak Kumar and others amid gathering of the farmers.
The Director said that this effort by the Directorate of Agriculture will have far reaching implications and will benefit the farmers in understanding the various farmer welfare schemes of the Government of India. Understanding of the schemes both by the farmers and implementing agencies shall help in maintaining check and balances, he added.Director further elaborated that the Booklet provides Handy information on cost norms and pattern of assistance under various Centrally Sponsored Schemes (CSS) of Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Horticulture, Animal Husbandry, Sheep Husbandry, Floriculture and Fisheries.Pertinently, the booklet has already been released in Hindi and soon be translated to Urdu as well.
Earlier it was informed that the book will facilitate the farmers about the guidelines, norms and pattern of assistance under Centrally Sponsored Schemes like Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY), Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY), Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY), National food security Mission (NFSM), Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) and Farm Mechanization.The technical session of the training programme was conducted by Dr Narender Ponotra ( SKUAST-J), Dr A P Roy (SKUAST-J), Dr S K Singh (SKUAST-J), Dr Sandeep Dogra, SCA(I&P). The Wide variety of topics covered during the technical session included the future of organic farming, scope of zero budget natural farming, non-chemical management of plant pests and diseases and concept and techniques of precision irrigation.The programme concluded with feedback from the farmers and valedictory session.