The political atmosphere of Punjab is uncertain and has been polluted by the political parties and Punjab being a border state cannot be compromised to be thrown into the hands of irresponsible leaders and for this the Sehajdhari Sikh Party has extended unconditional support to BJP-NDA for a stable governance in the interest of the Country. The support was extended in presence of Minster of State for External Affairs and Culture of India and Punjab Prabhari Smt.Meenakshi Lekhi who visited Dr.Ranu's residence at Raikot. Dr.Ranu said that on the advise of the general public their party has decided to withdraw it's 30 candidates from the fray in the larger interest of Punjab as they don’t want to divide the vote bank, but will support the candidates of NDA now. Sehajdharis had been supporting the Congress party since last 19 years under the leadership of Captain Amarinder Singh but have also supported the SAD Badals in 2007.
Dr.Ranu said that the matter regarding the case of voting rights of the sehajdharis in SGPC is still pending in the Court and is not the issue in these elections. It is mentionable that as per census 2011 there are 1.20 crore sehajdharis in punjab and the sehajdhari sikh party has been supporting the Congress Party for the last 19 years. The kissan wing of the party has been participating in the kissan andolan from day one.The candidate of SADSanyukt Gurpal Goldi and all the 30 candidates of the sehajdhari sikh party were present along with BJP and RSS local office bearers along with State President Sarpanch Surinderpal Sekhon, Sr.National Vice President Er.Raghwinder Singh, National Gen.Sec Org Jasbir Singh Chahal, State Secretary Paramjit Sitara, kissan wing President Jagjit Samao, Kissan wing Gen Sec Sarpanch Dhanjit Singh, State Gen Sec Gurkirat Singh Uppli, Youth wing Vice President Sukhpal Singh, District Barnala President Nahar Singh, District President kisan wing Barnala Gurkirat Singh Uppali were duly present.