Cabinet Minister Punjab Pargat Singh, Lok Sabha MP Chaudhary Santokh Singh and MLA Mr Sushil Kumar Rinku today dedicated Dr BR Ambedkar college andstorm water sewerage project to people besides laying foundation stone of Satguru Kabir Bhawan.Accompained by Deputy Commsaioner GhanshyamThori, the Minister, Lok Sabha MP and MLA dedicated newly built Dr BR Ambedkar college in Buta Mandi at a cost of Rs 11.46 crore. They said that this college will play a vital role in imparting quality education to the students of unprivileged and weaker sections. They said that the college built in name of Bharat Ratna Dr BR Ambedkar is a humble tribute to Chief architect of Indian constitution by Punjab government.
The Minister, Lok Sabha MP and MLA also laid the foundation stone of Satguru Kabir Bhawan to be constructed at a cost of Rs 2.71 crore. They said that with the construction of this Bhawan a long pending demand of the people has been fulfilled by the Punjab government. They said that this Bhawan will be instrumental in spreading the message of brotherhood as preached by Satguru Kabir ji.The Minister, Lok Sabha MP and MLA also dedicated the storm water sewerage at Basti Danishmanda.They said that this project costing Rs. 21 crore will help in solving the chronic problem of water blocking in this area thereby facilitating the people. They also said that this will bring a lot of convenience to the common man who would face massive trouble while travelling through this stretch, especially during the monsoon.On the occasion Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Amarjit Bains, Additional Chief Administrator Jalandhar Development Authority Rajiv Verma, Councillors of the constituency were also present