Punjab Medical Education & Research Minister Dr. Raj Kumar Verka, on Wednesday, inaugurated the Centre of Excellence for Autism and Neuro-developmental Disorders here at Sector 79, SAS Nagar (Mohali). After the inauguration ceremony, cabinet minister Dr. Raj Kumar Verka said that this centre is first of its kind institute in Punjab and it will provide comprehensive, integrated and responsive services for persons with autism and other neuro-developmental disorders in India.Dr. Raj Kumar Verka said that the centre has also been aimed to provide clinical services, residential facilities for training of parents and a school for children. He added that a multidisciplinary specialists' team including pediatricians, psychiatrists, occupational and physical therapists will also be available at the centre.
On this occasion, the cabinet minister was also accompanied by MLA Balwinder Singh Laadi, Mr. Alok Shekhar IAS, Secretary Medical Education and Research, Dr. Avnish Kumar, Director and Dr. Akash Deep Aggarwal, Joint Director in Department of Medical Education.Dr. Raj Kumar Verka informed that new Dr. BR Ambedkar State Institute of Medical Sciences in Mohali has been entrusted with the responsibility to manage the centre and special directions have been issued to Dr. Bhavneet Bharti, Director Principal, to provide special care to children with autism and other disorders of brain development.The minister also held an interactive session with the patients and staff members present at the centre and directed the department officials to extend every possible assistance to the centre for successful operations in the future. He also directed the department officials to draft a report regarding the additional requirements at the centre and assured to fulfill all the necessities soon.Dr. Verka said that Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi led Punjab Government is committed for the welfare of all the sections of the society and no stone will be left unturned to turn dreams into reality.