To spread awareness among the rural masses about the newly launched 'Aapki Zameen Aapki Nigrani' land Information system, the District Administration Rajouri today organised special gram sabhas across all 312 Panchayats of the district.The Gram Sabhas were organised on the directions of the Deputy Commissioner, Rajesh K Shavan and under the overall supervision of the Additional District Development Commissioner, Pawan Kumar (Nodal Officer IEC campaign for LRIS).Pertinently, a calendar of IEC activities has been devised at the village/Panchayat level for giving wide publicity to the land record information system.During the Gram Sabhas, the Resource Persons apprised the public that the initiative has put the revenue records in the public domain and will facilitate easy online access to the Land Records besides making it easy to register grievances, if any.They also apprised that the Aap Ki Zameen Aap Ki Nigrani aims to modernize management of land records, bring transparency in the land records maintenance system, reduce the scope of land/property disputes, and facilitate conclusive titles to immovable properties in the country besides providing people easy access to authentic land records.
The Public was also sensitized through live demonstration about how Public users can search and view copies of Scanned data online on CIS Portal- which includes Jamabandis, Girdawaris, Masavis and Mutations etc and were motivated to use the system to access their land records online.They were also told that that initiative will facilitate easy online access to the Land Records System, thereby reducing manipulation of the Land Records and improving the efficiency of Revenue offices substantially.The resource persons told the public that now they need not visit the tehsil offices for getting their land documents, this new system will provide the records at their palm, just a click away.The public has highly appreciated the UT Administration for achieving an important milestone to provide the most transparent & accountable services to the common people.The resource persons also threw a detailed light on the SWAMITVA scheme which aims at the establishment of clear ownership of property in rural areas by mapping of land parcels using drone technology and providing ‘record of rights’ to eligible households by issuing legal ownership cards to them.