Sujan Singh Pathania, MPP and Power Minister and Prakash Chaudhary, Excise and Taxation Minister have ridiculed the statement of BJP leaders appeared in section of press in which they have falsely propagated about the awards received during the regime of previous BJP Government. They said that list of awards being propagated by BJP leaders was as gossipy and breathless as their false claims of development. They said that if there had been any authenticity in the awards received by previous BJP Government then it would have not been defeated during the Vidhan Sabha elections. It is obvious that previous BJP Government received these awards through collusion with big media houses and it has no link with development in ground reality as being claimed by them. Claims were being made of getting more than 25 awards in the tourism sector but all are aware that what was the position of this sector for last five years, the heli-sking project fell flat to ground and condition of roads worsened, besides nothing was done in religious and adventure tourism.
Ministers said that previous BJP Government led by Shri Prem Kumar Dhumal just boasted of development in the State and tried to project themselves as benefactor of people by producing the list of hollow awards. The awakened citizens of State have shown the mirror to them and ousted them out of power. They said that BJP leaders should know that biggest award in democratic set up was the mandate given by people. On this criterion, the people of the State gave huge mandate in the favour of Congress Party and shoved BJP out of power. They questioned that if there was any reality in the awards received by previous BJP Government then why the BJP was thrown out of power. The so called list of awards can be a good source of recreation for BJP leaders but it can not mislead the people of the State. They said that the people of Mandi Parliamentary constituency would deflate the claims of BJP by giving massive mandate in favour of Congress Party.
Pathania and Shri Chaudhary said that the Congress was synonym of development and it had contributed a lot in the progress and development of the State. The justified awards which were received during the regime of previous BJP Government, were the results of sustainable development and achievements of Congress Governments who had ruled the State most of the time.