Today a Mega Legal Services Camp was organized under the aegis of NALSA by Punjab State Legal Services Authority and District Legal Services Authority, Amritsar in co-ordination with District Administration, Amritsar. In this mega camp about 20 various departments of Punjab Government and Centre Government participated and made general public aware about the schemes being run for the welfare of the public. Smt. Harpreet Kaur Randhawa, District & Sessions Judge, Amritsar visited each stall and interacted with the representatives of all the departments. During the camp a legal literacy seminar was also conducted. Mrs. Kirpal Kaur, Advocate and Ms. Navdeep Kaur, Mediator addressed the gathering and made them aware about various legal aid services being provided by the Punjab State Legal Services Authority including ADR mechanism i.e. Legal Aid, Lok Adalats, Mediation and Conciliation Centre, Victim Compensation Schemes, Para Legal Volunteer Services, Legal Aid Clinic and Legal Literacy Clubs in Schools and Colleges etc. They were also made aware about the free legal aid provided by Punjab State Legal Services Authority, SAS Nagar.
Further they were apprised that any inmate in the jail whether convict or under trial is entitled to free legal aid under Legal Services Authority Act, 1987. The inmate can fill up a simple application and thereafter he is immediately provided a free legal aid counsel. Similarly in case a person is convicted by the court and intends to file appeal/revision against the order of conviction, he can also file an application in the office of District Legal Services Authority, Amritsar. It was further explained that all the expenses incurred during the case are borne by the District Legal Services Authority, Amritsar.Public were also made aware about the Toll Free Number 1968 where anyone can take legal assistance free of cost.During the event Tri-Cycle and Sewing Machines were distributed to the needy peoples. Peoples were also benefitted with the pension schemes. Teams of Aadhar Card Machine were also present at the event and peoples were benefitted.An exhibition for handicapped regarding Free of cost Artificial Limbs was also showcased by All India Pingalwara Charitable Society in the camp.Sh. Pushpinder Singh, Civil Judge, Sr. Division-cum-Secretary, DLSA, Amritsar and Sh. Amandeep Singh Bajwa, Panel Advocate was present at the event. Mr. Bajwa provided legal assistance to the public at the event.Teams of Panel Lawyers were present at the event.