Actress and politician Kirron Kher expresses her excitement on joining a panel of judges including popular rapper Badshah and Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra on 'India's Got Talent'. She is returning as a judge on the show."'India's Got Talent' has always been close to my heart. This being my 9th year with this prestigious talent reality show, returning as a jury member is a wonderful experience. It feels like I am coming back home. Year on year, 'India's Got Talent' is known to encourage and put the spotlight on varied and exceptional talent from across the country and every time, I am left in awe as the quality of talent just keeps getting better and better."
She further adds that this show gives a platform to emerging talents and this is what she likes about it most. Moreover she is also happy to join Shilpa Shetty and Badshah on the show."It's always been a moment of pride for me to be a part of a show that helps turn dreams into reality by giving a platform for everybody to showcase their rare talent. I am extremely elated to be judging the show with the beautiful and lovely Shilpa Shetty Kundra and our Punjabi munda, Badshah. Above all, I am extremely happy to be a part of the show and cannot wait to take on this new journey of discovering what India has in store this year," adds Kirron.'India's Got Talent' will be airing soon on Sony Entertainment Television.