The kind of support which the Indian cricket team gets across the globe is unprecedented for any sports team in the world, former India captain Sourav Ganguly said on Saturday.Ganguly was speaking at an online conference organised by Games24x7 to launch its campaign ahead of the ICC T20 World Cup on its fantasy platform My11Circle."If cricket is a religion in India, then the fans are the biggest devotees. Their constant support and the fervour with which they follow their team and favourite cricketers has been the most important factor in exalting cricket to a national passion that unites our country," Ganguly said at the online conference.
"As a player and captain of the Indian team, I can tell that the sort of support which Indian cricket team gets in whichever country it is playing, is unprecedented for any sports team across the world," said Ganguly who is also a brand ambassador for My11Circle.My11Circle has a user base of over 25 million players on the fantasy sports platforms, and apart from Ganguly, Indian cricketers VVS Laxman, Ajinkya Rahane as well as Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh are its brand ambassadors.My11Circle's new campaign titled 'Game ke Deewane' is aimed at celebrating the passion and dedicated support of the Indian cricket fans.