As Shaan's iconic "Tanha Dil" clocks 20 years, the singer will celebrate the occasion by releasing a new "Tanha Dil Tanha Safar". The track, though, will be different. It will highlight the delicate issue of mental health.Speaking about it, Shaan said: "Releasing the new version of 'Tanha Dil' had been on my mind for a while and coincidentally it's happening 20 years after the first track. We have tried to deal with a delicate topic sensitively and I hope people, apart from enjoying the song, imbibe the message as well."
As there are a number of people who live with depression, Shaan said a song that addresses the issue sensitively was the need of the hour, hence the idea of "Tanha Dil Tanha Safar" came to his mind.He added: "Mental health is a long and hard condition to deal with, but there always is a light at the end of the tunnel. Our song deals with the issue earnestly and I hope it brings a smile to all those who listen to it. Don't let them struggle in silence; together, let's make them #SayYesToLife."