To raise awareness regarding Legal Aid services and other social schemes for people of far ?ung and inaccessible areas of the district particularly for poor and marginalised people, the District Legal Services Authority (DLSA), Kupwara under the supervision of Tasleem Arief, Chairman DLSA /Principal District and Sessions Judge Kupwara organized two days seminar/awareness programme in the far ?ung areas of tehsil Machil.The programme was held under the aegis of NALSA and in furtherance of the objectives of JK Legal Services Authority.During the two days awareness programme at Machil and Dudi, awareness was generated on the Panchayat Raj Act, Municipal Laws, Legal Services to mentally ill and Disabled persons, Drug de-addiction and other social issues.During the programme Secretary DLSA, Muzamil Ahmad wani highlighted the role of District Legal Services Authority in ensuring the bene?ts of social schemes to poor and interacted with students, teachers, PRIs and o?cers for achieving maximum awareness.Other departments also provided cooperation to ensure smooth conduct of the programme, during which implementation of Social Service Schemes and the importance of awareness were highlighted through Para Legal Volunteers and Adv. Anzar Alam Khan as resource person for the topics.Apart from the awareness /seminars, on spot pre-litigation matters were also entertained and grievances of people with respect to public utility matters entertained for their discussion with concerned departments.The programme was aimed at to achieve maximum awareness and simultaneously ameliorate the harsh conditions of life in these areas, particularly before the onset of winter and to achieve the objectives of access to justice at doorstep.The departments who provided their support include Revenue department, Police department, Education department, Social Welfare department and BDO.