Farmers are the backbone of any country and taking care of them should be the primary duty of the government. These views were expressed by S. Sukhwinder Singh Bindra, Chairman, Punjab Youth Development Board (Government of Punjab) at Mohali. Chairman Sukhwinder Singh Bindra said that the situation which has arisen in the country as a result of non-repeal of black agriculture laws by the present Center Government could not be considered as good for any State or Country. S. Bindra said that any law made by the government for the welfare of the people of the country, but if those laws are not acceptable to the people of the country then it is not justifiable to impose them by force. Chairman S. Bindra said that no government can run its dictatorial government for long by torturing the farmers. He said that the Youth of the State is supporting the farmers in their fight against black laws. S. Sukhwinder Singh Bindra said that Punjab Youth Development Board under the able Leadership of Hon'ble Chief Minister Capt. Amarinder Singh is fully Committed for the Welfare of the Youth and residents of the country.