The 18th meeting of the State Single Window Clearance & Monitoring Authority (SSWC&MA) held here today under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur approved 19 project proposals for setting up new industrial enterprises and expansion of existing units involving a total proposed investment of approximately Rs. 4126.23 crore and employment potential of about 5107 persons. This shows that the State continues to attract the investment despite of overall slowdown in the economy.New proposals approved by the Authority include proposals of M/s Morepen Biotech Limited, Baddi, Distt. Solan for manufacturing of Bulk Drugs and its Formulations, Biotech Products etc., M/s NEMR Industries Private Limited, Nalagarh, Distt. Solan for manufacturing of Air Conditioners, Clean Room, Electrical Pannel, etc., M/s Vardhman ReNova (A unit of Vardhman Textiles Limited), Baddi, Distt. Solan for manufacturing of Recycled Textile Fibre, M/s Kwality Pharmaceuticals Limited, Indl. Area, Raja Ka Bagh, Distt. Kangra for manufacturing of Tablets, Capsules, Injection, etc. M/s Anagram Systems, Industrial Area Channaur, Distt. Kangra for manufacturing of Bamboo Ply M/s SMPP Private Limited, Nalagarh, Distt. Solan for manufacturing of Artillery Ammunition etc. M/s Shree Naina Glass Inc, Baddi, Distt. Solan for manufacturing of Empty Glass Ampoules, Vial, M/s Sawariya Futureworks Limited, I.A. Amb, Distt. Una for manufacturing of Safety Razor Blade and Allied Products, M/s Jai Jawala Biofuel Industries Private Limited, Vill. Kirpalpur, Nalagarh, Distt. Solan, H.P. for manufacturing of Ethanol, Potable Alcohol, DDGS, Carbon Dioxide, Ena etc.
Expansion proposals approved by the Authority include proposals of M/s Life Vision Healthcare, EPIP Phase-1 Jharmajri, Baddi, Distt. Solan for manufacturing of Tablets, Capsules, Liquids, etc. M/s Pontika Aerotech Limited, Vill. Johron, Paonta Sahib, Distt. Sirmour for manufacturing of MS Fitting & Fixture, Pharma Disinfected Spray, Sanitizers, Cosmetic Products, etc., M/s Ambica Alloys, I.A. Kala-Amb, Distt. Sirmour for manufacturing of MS Ingots, M.S Bar/M.S Flat/ Channel/Angle etc., M/s Saboo Tor Pvt. Ltd. Unit-I, Kala Amb, Distt. Sirmour, for manufacturing of M.S. Billets, M.S./TMT Bars, M/s Himtex Textiles Pvt. Ltd., V.P.O. Nangal, Salangri, Distt. Una for manufacturing of Polyester Yarn and M/s Prime Steel Industries Private Limited, Vill. Bated, Baddi, Distt. Solan, for manufacturing of MS Billet, TMT Bar, Channel & other Iron Products etc.It is pertinent to mention that the State Government is getting many investment intentions for ethanol manufacturing. Thus it would make substantial contribution towards achieving national target of 20 percent blended bio fuel by year 2025.Industries Minister Bikram Singh Thakur, Chief Secretary Ram Subhag Singh, Additional Chief Secretaries R.D. Dhiman and J.C. Sharma, Principal Secretary K.K. Pant, Secretary Vikas Labroo, Director Industries Rakesh Prajapati, Managing Director, HPSEBL R.K. Sharma, Member Secretary H.P. Pollution Control Board Apoorv Devgan and other officers attended the meeting.