The mission was to carry its objective of providing quality higher education a step ahead and what was realized was Chandigarh Law College by Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Jhanjeri. It was the inauguration ceremony of the beautiful red building of Law College and Additional Solicitor General of India, Shri Satya Pal Jain was invited as the Chief Guest at the event. The moment was rightly time as today was also the International Day of Justice and it was opportune to thank the ones who vouch for an equal and just society.Shri Satya Pal Jain was given a warm welcome and presented bouquet as he arrived at the college campus. Mr. Arsh Dhaliwal, MD CGC Jhanjeri was there to receive him and spend some time conversing. Dr. Manpreet Grewal, Principal Law College and Mr. Sahil Kapoor, Associate Director CGC were also present at the occasion and briefed the Chief Guest and other Guest of Honours on some history, background and achievements of the college. Thereafter, inauguration of the red building of Chandigarh Law College was held by the chief guest with the opening of the placard.At the conclusion of the ceremony, Chief Guest presented memento to the Guest of Honours present, whereas, Chief Guest was presented memento by Mr. Arsh Dhaliwal. Speaking on the occasion, some words of virtues were shared by the Chief Guest. “As a lawyer one should learn to listen to the part of their client and also of the other party and come out with a solution that is agreeable to both and adheres with legal parameters.” Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Arsh Dhaliwal stated, “Continuing with the baton of imparting world class education, CGC Jhanjeri has realized the Chandigarh Law College with the aim to provide society with highly qualified and knowledgeable law professionals.”