India has witnessed a deadly second wave of Coronavirus and concerns about the third wave are equally worrying. In addition to getting a vaccine, there are ways to focus on wellness and self-care during a possible third wave.Even though few vaccines are available in India, there are few people who are advised not to get the vaccine. Trials on Indian children have recently begun and it may take some time for the vaccination process to begin for all the children. Go easy on yourself and remember these easy six tips to battle the third wave, suggested by Sushant Raorane, Co-founder and Director, Adroit Biomed Pvt Ltd:
Staying active improves physical endurance, mental health, lung capacity and reduces risk of many diseases like diabetes and hypertension. Elderly people are advised to walk while youngsters are advised to perform high intensity exercises a few times per week. Choose early mornings or late evenings when it is less busy.
Build your immunity
Focus on what you eat. Eat healthy fats, protein and good carbohydrates. Nutraceuticals including zinc, selenium, vitamin C and vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, curcumin, glutathione, N-acetylcysteine have the potential to amplify the body's defence system against the virus. They are known for their anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antioxidant and immune boosting properties. The pandemic has led to identification of some promising nutraceuticals for Covid management. One of them, Glutathione, a master cellular antioxidant, is synthesized by the body itself. Literature suggests that oral glutathione improves an individual's immunity so people with Covid-19 who have low levels of glutathione and such people may have a faster recovery if supplemented with oral glutathione. Glutone MD, orally dissolving mini effervescent tablets made from purest Setria Glutathione help in boosting immunity and the OD-Eff technology used in the formulation improves absorption of glutathione into the blood.
COVID-appropriate behaviour
Avoid crowded places, wear a mask, get vaccinated if you are eligible and most importantly be aware of your body. Contact your physician in case you develop any symptoms and avoid self-treatment. Your immune system is your shield, so boost it and make it strong.
There are different ways to relax and distress including meditation, yoga, listening to music, talking to family, painting, etc. Stress (mental or physical) leads to production of certain chemicals in the body that lead to inflammation. High stress is seen in patients with Covid-19.
Reduce smoking and alcohol consumption
Toxins in the cigarette smoke are harmful since they produce high levels of oxidative stress in the lungs. Such a condition is to be avoided especially amidst a viral pandemic. A healthy liver would be able to fight infections and remove toxins, but chronic alcoholics have a weaker liver and their immune system may be weaker compared to those who do not consume alcohol.
Control your blood sugar and blood pressure
It is evident that people with diabetes, hypertension, obesity and stroke have a higher mortality rate from Covid-19 infection. The reasons are multimodal but there is only one key target i.e. to maintain normal blood sugar and blood pressure. Take your medicines on time, reduce salt intake, calorie restriction for diabetics, don't immediately sleep after eating and it is advised to walk after a meal.