South Indian Actress Varalaxmi Sarathkumar who has conquered the heart of million of Film lovers through her films, started Helpline with 172 Volounters across Tamil Nadu and 150 Volounters in Telengana. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar started 8 numbers round 24/7 looking the requirements of the patients and their attendee. Helpline was started jointly by her Foundation Save Shakthi and also International Human Rights organization (IHRO). Right now the Helpline number is working in three districts of Tamil Nadu full fledged and covered about 300 plus patients too.Helpline will be more modified shortly as both the organization will be jointly working in Some areas from July 1'st 2021.As Ms. Chhaya Devi mother of Ms. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar is an Animal lover. They had given two tons of Food to Chief Minister of Tamilnadu. Ms. Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Ms. Chhaya Devi thanked IHRO World Chairman Dr. Nem Singh Preemi for his co-operation in this mission. About 500 PPE kits will be distributed jointly by both the organization to the Volounters who are in Cremation across Tamil Nadu shortly in the end week of June