Principal Secretary, Housing and Urban Development Department, Dheeraj Gupta, today visited Anantnag and held a meeting to review progress on development works being executed in the district.Gupta had a detailed assessment of several major projects including flagship programs in urban development sector, sewerage and drainage, solid waste management besides My Town My Pride, languishing projects and developmental plan 2021-22 of Urban Local Bodies.Deputy Commissioner, Anantnag, Dr. Piyush Singla, Director Urban Local Bodies Kashmir, Presidents of Municipal Councils and Committees, Director, Planning, H&UD Department, Additional District Development Commissioner, Chief Executive Officer, UDAK, SE PW (R&B), Chief Executive Officers and Executive Officers of ULBs besides district officers of allied departments attended the meeting.Principal Secretary was apprised of the progress made in the Urban Development Sector by Director Urban Local Bodies through a detailed Power Point Presentation.While taking stock of various developmental works, Principal Secretary maintained that the officers and executing agencies must use acquired expertise to fast track the project execution amid strict adherence to prescribed SOPs regarding Covid-19.Principal Secretary emphasized that the government is committed to provide basic infrastructure especially in metropolitan areas and cities including towns under MRDA for which adequate funds have been earmarked and are available for its utilization. He directed all officers and executing agencies to frame Detailed Project Reports that will make towns livable and improve urban infrastructure and quality of life of its inhabitants besides formulation of development plans of small and medium residential colonies besides construction of affordable accommodation flats wherever such development is feasible.Principal Secretary said that DPRs regarding effective management of solid waste have been approved for all ULBs of Kashmir division for an amount of Rs. 191.91 crore and asked for completing the procurement of collection and transportation infrastructure by ending June 2021.It was informed in the meeting that an amount of Rs. 1.25 crore has been approved under Capex budget 2021-22 while Rs.42.40 crore have been approved under FC grants, which is ten times higher than previous allocations.Principal Secretary further directed the officers to conduct survey for identifying additional demand of Community Type/Public Toilets (CT/PT) and portable toilets.Pertinently, so far, an amount of Rs.520.10 lakh has been spent on construction of 44 CTs/PTs while Rs.826.65 lakh has been expended on Individual House Hold Units (IHHL).