“Life is like music, it has high notes and low notes. Each memory has a soundtrack of its own. When you’re happy, you enjoy the music. But when you sad you understand the lyrics. Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest, heels the heart and makes it whole. No matter how high or low notes may be, keep in tune with God and you will never go out of tune in the music of life!,” said Shivkumar Bilagrami, renowned lyricist, shayar and Ghazal writer whose new creation will be released by Odisha government on World Environment Day i.e. 5th of June.“Susmita Das, renowned singer from Odisha has sung the song based on environment – Mother Nature. The state government will release it on 5th of June. It is basically a fusion of Bhakti (Shiv Tandav) and Environment which also conveys a strong message to protect our Mother Nature,” added Shivkumar popularly known as Shivkumar Bilagrami in the literary world, who originally creates poetry in songs and Ghazal genres.Well known actress Suryamayee Mohapatra has performed in Bilagrami’s ‘creative fusion’, choreographed by Amit Nayak (Amit Dance Group). Director Dev Meher and Siddhanta Das have been instrumental for the direction and its conceptualization.
Musician Om Prakash Mohanty has composed the song which “Prithvi Manthan” will be releasing next month.The lyrics thus goes – “Dravya pipasu nitya nirantar karte prithvi manthan/ Iske karan khatre me hai apna manav jeevan.” What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another. Let us pledge to make a cleaner and greener environment. We must join hands to save our beautiful planet as there is no other place in the universe so beautiful, so vibrant and so lively. Let us be more responsible. Mother Nature has always been kind to us and now it is time to return all the favours by showing a responsible attitude towards the environment,” said the lyricist whose compositions have been rendered by many famous singers from Bollywood and abroad too.Expansion and portrayal of essential humanity in his creations has been his hallmark. About the spirit and motivation behind the creation of such wonderful and meaningful lyrics, Bilagrami says that expansion of situations, thoughts, emotions and characters in literary creations are directly related to a writer’s intensity of imagination and capability of creating appropriate forms and structures through expansive and imaginative verbal ability.
Creativity at such level of expression has to go through a long duration of a sensitive absorption of the world around.Not only this much; for any such output demands a complete identification with content of creation. So, while evaluating any literary work, it is necessary to evaluate it from and at different angles: otherwise, its real significance cannot be projected. The process of analysis now must call for a painstakingly comprehensive and all- inclusive approach toward unfolding the thematic appeal of the lyrics to all readers, audience, he added.Bilagrami firmly believes that sensibility of a writer, poet, shayar is the foremost element in giving depth and range to experiences and observations for effective and convincing portrayal of mankind. Literary productions take on giant forms when a writer is capable of extending his limited local experiences and observations over to the entire humanity. The truth is that even the most localized issues can be universalized and can be put into the total psyche of humanity at large. A creative fusion of intense sensibility and profound imagination always result in creating a masterpiece. A skillful telescoping of diametrically opposite elements of the human beings and the world determines how a writer, poet, shayar is going to affect his readers, audience.