Laying thrust on the adoption of the principle of isolation for keeping a check on the spread of Covid 19, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Navjot Singh Mahal on Saturday said that 60-percent villages had already opted for self-imposed lockdown aka thikri pehras.Divulging the details, SSP Navjot Singh Mahal said that Police and civil administration were pulling all the stops to ensure the virus could not enter the villages by holding Thikri Pehras in all the villages. He said that isolation was the sole way of combating the Coronavirus effectively due to which officials were making the people aware of the need for thikri pehras.Mahal informed that till to date, 60-percent of villages under Hoshiarpur Police had installed thikri pehras in their villages. He said that ensuring self-isolation and restricting the entry of outsiders would help in curbing the spread of infectious disease in the rural areas to a great extent.He said that all Deputy Superintendents of Police were conducting regular meetings with sarpanches and villagers in this regard and a major focus was being laid on holding thikri pehras.Mahal said that sarpanches had been either sensitized to ensure either the outsiders should have got the first dose of vaccination done 15 days before or they might have a negative COVID report 72 hrs before.Lauding the rural youths for their enthusiasm, he said that youths had indomitable energy and were ensuring proper check outside the boundaries of the villages. He gave examples of villages Ucchi Bassi and Fatehgarh are among where such nakas are proving effective with the help of active participation of youths. He appealed remaining sarpanches to get install Thikri Pehras for ensuring their safety and support administration by staying at homes to break the transmission chain of the virus.