Indian Navy's INS Kolkata sailed into the new Mangaluru port on Karnataka's west coast with medical oxygen from Qatar and Kuwait, a defence official said on Monday."As part of operation 'Samudra Setu II' to support the nation's fight against Covid, the naval ship brought in 400 bottles of oxygen and 2 containers of 30 tonnes liquid medical oxygen from Shuwaikh port in Kuwait," said the official in a statement here.Mangaluru port is about 375km west of Bengaluru in the southern state.The ship sailed from Doha in Qatar and Shuwaikh in Kuwait on May 5."The shipment has been delivered to the state-run oil marketing firm Indian Oil Corporation for supplying the gas to the state," said the statement.Similarly, another naval ship INS Airavat reached Visakhapatnam on the east coast of Andhra Pradesh earlier in the day, with cryogenic oxygen tanks and cylinders from Singapore."The ship, which sailed from Singapore on May 5, brought 8 cryogenic oxygen tanks and 3,898 oxygen cylinders that were sourced from various agencies in coordination with the Indian High Commission in the island nation," added the statement.