Actress Parul Gulati has been busy in the web series circuit lately, but Bollywood films are surely on her bucket list."A lot of projects are being made these days because the web is a medium where we will always need new content. That is why apart from new shows, there are new seasons of successful shows. The web is not biased about few people, rather it is a space where you are hired if you are fit for the work -- be it actors, writers or technicians. That is why the employment rate has also increased," said Parul.Parul's plate has lately been full thanks to the OTT space. "'Hey Prabhu! 2' has released. I am working on 'Your Honor' season two, and also on a couple of projects I am not officially allowed to talk," said the actress who is noted for her roles in shows such as "Haq Se", "Girls Hostel", "The Raikar Case", "Illegal" and the TV show "P.O.W.: Bandi Yuddh Ke" among others."I am happy but not complacent. I think if I am too comfortable in one space, I will stop growing as an individual, so I want to try my luck in Bollywood films and I want to dance and at the same time be part of meaningful stories. So, I will not say I am so satisfied that I will just be working in web shows. My idea is to stay happy but hungry to grow. I would be lying if I say I do not want to be part of Bollywood movies," she said.