Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) has an important role in the nation’s development. The new Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP-2020) of Government of India aims to bring about profound changes through short, medium and long-term mission mode projects by building a nurtured ecosystem that promotes research and innovation on the part of both individuals and organizations.Principal Secretary Environment, Science and Technology Kamlesh Kumar Pant said this while presiding over the Stakeholder Meet of Himachal Pradesh Council for Science & Technology ( HIMCOSTE), here today. He said that multi disciplinary approach of STI should be adopted to keep pace with changing times and stress should also be given on updation and its implementation at field level.Principal Secretary said that in order to align the Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) with national priorities like Swatch Bharat Mission, Make in India, Skill India, Atam Nirbhar Bharat and Vocal for Local. He said that with focus on development of indigenous technologies, the HIMCOSTE initiated to frame the Science Technology & Innovation (STI) Policy for Himachal Pradesh in the year 2019 on the lines of the National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy which has now been revised in the year 2020. He said that to finalise the State Policy, HIMCOSTE constituted of a Core Group of renowned scientists from different fields like Plant Genetics & IPR, Agriculture, Horticulture, Engineering, Applied Biotechnology, Forestry, Biosciences & Biodiversity, Remote Sensing, Water, Wildlife, Mathematics, Meteorology, Climate Change and Physics etc. from different Universities and Research Institutions across the State and after having brain storming discussions with the Core Group on the STI Policy draft, the comments from different stakeholder departments were followed by internal discussions.Sh. Pant said that with regard to the state specific policies, the Science, Technology and Innovation inputs assume greater significance in the hill states like Himachal Pradesh in view of its geographical constraints and the challenges for its development. He further said that as far as the S&T Policies for mountain states is concerned, only the Uttrakhand State has moved in this direction so far and now Himachal Pradesh would be the second state having its own S&T Policy. He further informed that in this policy, 19 Core Issues which have the relevance from the States perspective having the linkage in one or the other way with the National policy have been taken care of.Director (DEST) -cum-Member Secretary, HIMCOSTE Sudesh Kumar Mokhta said that the Meet with Stakeholder Departments, Working Group Members, Academicians, and Researchers would help us in further refining the document taking into consideration the National Policy and its relevance from the State’s perspective with their valuable suggestions and comments.Former Vice Chancellor CSK Agriculture University Palampur S.K. Sharma while giving overview on draft document on STIP stressed the need of making Science Congress a regular affair and should be held atleast once in a year to promote STI.Principal Scientific Officer Dr. S.S. Randhawa HIMCOSTE made a presentation on Draft Document on STIP. Joint Member Secretary HIMCOSTE Nishant Thakur presented vote of thanks.Vice Chancellors and Former Vice Chancellors of various Universities, Heads and representatives of the about 30 stakeholder departments, Members of Working Group, and Scientist from various Academic and Research Institutions participated in this Meet.