With the approval by Chief Minister Punjab Captain Amarinder Singh to go ahead with recruitments of Constables, Head Constables and Sub-Inspectors in the Punjab Police, Director General of Police (DGP) Punjab Dinkar Gupta exhorted the aspiring candidates to start preparations for the Written Examination and Physical Screening Tests. He assured the aspirants that the Police recruitments would be carried out in an absolutely fair and transparent manner.Punjab Chief Minister on March 20, 2021 had announced that the Punjab Government will be recruiting 10,000 police officials, of which 33% will be women, at the level of Sub-Inspectors, Head Constables and Constables in different cadres, to strengthen the Police deployment at cutting edge level and ensure effective policing. The cadres to which recruitment is being made include District, Armed, Investigation, Intelligence and Technical Support Services.DGP Dinkar Gupta said that the Punjab Police, in the forthcoming 2-3 months, shall commence the process of recruitment to fill vacancies of various posts, which shall be undertaken through different State level Recruitment Boards constituted for this purpose.Divulging details relating to the recruitment of Sub-Inspectors and Head Constables, the DGP said that the aspirants, both men or women, should possess minimum of a Bachelors degree and should be upto 28 years of age as on January 1, 2021 to be eligible (relaxations for certain categories as per Govt. instructions will operate).
Similarly, aspirants for the post of Constable, both men or women, who are in the age group of 18-28 years as on January 1, 2021 (relaxations for certain categories as per Govt. instructions will operate) and having an educational qualification of 10+2 will be eligible to apply for the posts of Constables in the Punjab Police, he added.The DGP added that only the candidates fulfilling the minimum physical measurement parameters, which includes 5 feet 7 inches height for male candidates and 5 feet 2 inches height for female candidates, shall be allowed to appear for the Physical Screening Test. The Physical Screening Test will consist of Run (1600 meters for Men and 800 Meters for Women), High Jump and Long Jump. Meanwhile, the parameters for Physical Screening Test would be different for Female candidates and Ex-Servicemen and details shall be notified separately.The Objective Type Written tests for the recruitments of Constables, Head Constables and Sub-Inspectors shall consist of multiple choice questions based broadly on General Awareness which includes Indian Constitution & Polity, History & Culture of India & Punjab, Science & Technology, Indian Economy, Geography & Environment, Computer Awareness, National & International Current Affairs, etc. The candidates are also advised to practise Quantitative and Numeracy Skills, which includes Fractions, Ratios, Percentage, Equations, etc besides the Analytical Reasoning and Problem Solving which would inter alia comprise of Statements & Conclusions, Sequencing, Classification, etc. Similarly, the aspirants should also rehearse their Language and Comprehension Skills, including Sentence Structuring, Vocabulary, Passage based Questions, etc.DGP Dinkar Gupta once again made an appeal to the youth of Punjab to seize the opportunity and start preparations for the Written and Physical Screening Test in right earnest. Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has allowed the youth of the state the use of Public Spaces, Public Parks, Stadia and Police Lines grounds, etc. for the practice/preparation by aspiring candidates, he said.