Several meritorious girl students, who excelled in various fields and were branded as Student Ambassadors for Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) campaign, were today felicitated here at a district level felicitation programme organized by School Education Department at Government Girls Higher Secondary School. District Development Commissioner Kathua, O.P. Bhagat was the chief Guest on the occasion. Chief Education Officer, Jagjeet Singh;, DEPO, Aruna Sharma; DIO, Parshotam Sharma along with ZEOs and Heads of Institutions were present on the occasion.The programme started with lightning of Lamp followed by Saraswati Vandana presented by the students, which was followed by a welcome address by the Principal of the host school. In his address, the DDC lauded the efforts of the School Education Department appreciated the unique idea of felicitating the female achievers as Student Ambassadors of BBBP and said that it will convey the idea behind the launch of such a marvelous campaign. A Cultural progarmme featuring skit on BBBP and folk dance and music, was also presented which was appreciated by all.Certificates and cash awards were presented to achievers, who have excelled in academics, sports and co curricular activities. Certificates were also awarded to ZEOs and HOIs who have shown remarkable increase in female enrolment in the schools. The vote of thanks was presented by Pawan Vivek, District Resource Person on behalf of the School Education Department, while the programme was anchored by Rajdeep Kour, Lecturer English.