A Training & Exposure visit of 48 farmers, drawn from different districts of Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory, under Command Area Development Jammu, was today flagged off by Director Command Area Development, Rajinder Singh Tara, here from ATTC Chak Jaralan.The five day Training & Exposure visit from February 17 to February 21 to CSK Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishav Vidayalaya (CSKHPKV) Palampur has been arranged under Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) of National Mission on Agriculture Extension and Technology (NMAET).The Director Command Area Development, while interacting with farmers, said that such exposure visits to institutes of excellence using new innovative technologies in the field of Agriculture and allied sectors will expand their knowledge and skills. He advised the farmers to interact with scientists and research workers to learn and update their skills about latest techniques and replicate the same in their fields and also share it with their fellow farmers.Project Officer, Rajan Sharma; Chief Agriculture Officer, Sanjay Verma; ASCO Sarore, Suresh Khajuria; ASCO, Supwal Sham Gupta; Subject Matter Specialist (DL) Bhupinder Gupta; Subject Matter Specialist (DL) M.G. Singh; l/c Media Section, Ravinder Gupta and all SCAs of CAD Sub Division Sarore were present on the occasion.The farmers were accompanied by Subject Matter Specialist (DL) Parveen Kumar and Agriculture Extension Assistant Vivek Sharma.