First Goalkeeper from South Kashmir Sanan Iqbal Selected for Real Kashmir FC
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5 Dariya News/(Mudasir Maqbool)
Shopian , 15 Jan 2021
A Young Boy with Golden hands Sanan Iqbal becomes the first Goal keeper from South Kashmir who was selected for Real Kashmir (FC) Football club Recently.Hails from South Kashmiri's Main town Bungam Shopian Sanan 20 S /O of Mohd Iqbal Bhat is a state level player is emerging as football Goal keeper as well as Icon among youth in Shopian is first to achieve this feat.Sannan Iqbal is fast becoming a household name for his abilities and maneuvers as an emerging goal keeper .“My father died due to brief illness which effected my carrier but my uncle & mother stood by me. They gave me courage and supported me to play this game,” Iqbal said.He proved his credentials as a player, even though the game is not popular in the region.After clearing 12th standard from Greenland School Shopian, Sannan is pursuing Bachelors Degree in Bussiness administration from Iqbal institute of Technology & management in Srinagar.“It was in 8th standard that i got interested in Football. Since then I am playing,” Sannan said.He has played with Football clubs in the district.In 2014 A police football tournament was organised were he was adjudged as man of the match as an able and meticulous goal keeper.“I represented J&K State as Goalkeeper in Jammu at GMC Science College on 25 February this year,” Sannan said.Sannan believes if better infrastructure is provided there are many like him who can excel as sportsmen.