The District Bureau of Employment and Entrepreneurship (DBEE), Mohali is providing much needed succor to the unemployed. The most recent is the example of dumb young man from Mohali who was rendered jobless in April 2020 due to pandemic outbreak. This young man is now happily employed as Data Entry Operator at Baba Farid University due to job facilitation/ assistance rendered by the District Bureau of Employment and Entrepreneurship.Sharing details Rajiv Kumar Gupta, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Development) informed that COVID19 took its toll by rendering young Shubam jobless. Striving for months on his own, Shubam could not get a job. On having read about District Bureau of Employment facilitating placements, he walked into the Bureau office at District Administrative Complex Mohali along with his father. Thereafter his journey was easy; he submitted his resume and gave his options for the type of job that would like to be enlisted in.
Subsequently, the DBEE officials shared his resume with the prospective employers and he was invited to a placement camp. Soon after, he was shortlisted for the post of Data Entry Operator by Baba Farid University through outsourcing.Shubam is elated at being employed and so is his father Ravindernath Jatana who is all praise for State Government run Ghar-Ghar Rozgaar initiative. “Beyond financial gain, the job has restored my son’s self-esteem and prevented him into falling into abyss of hopelessness’’, says much relieved Ravindernath who in a bid to make his son self-reliant had not just ensured that deaf and dumb Shubam clears his higher secondary education but also equipped him with computer knowledge through various short term computer courses, so that Shubam would be employed to a skilled job.Pertinently, District Bureau of Employment and Entrepreneurship, Mohali facilitates job placement for the youth who register with them through their portal The Bureau also extends career counseling, facilitation of loans for self-employment, short –term skill courses and placement camps.