In a democratic system, the medium of dialogue is the best medium for not allowing the debate to become a dispute, said the President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind while speaking on the occasion of inauguration of the 80th All India Presiding Officers’ Conference at Kevadia, Gujarat today (November 25, 2020). The President said that in a parliamentary democracy, the opposition also has an important role along with the ruling party, and, therefore harmony, cooperation and meaningful deliberation between the two is necessary. It is responsibility of Presiding Officers to provide congenial atmosphere for a healthy debate to the peoples’ representatives in the House and to encourage courteous dialogue and discussion.The President said that fairness and justice is the bedrock of our parliamentary democratic system. The Chair of the Speaker of the House symbolizes both - dignity and duty. It demands sincerity and sense of justice. It also symbolizes impartiality, righteousness and fairness and it is expected from Presiding Officers that their conduct is inspired by these lofty ideals.The President observed that the democratic system has proved to be the most effective means of peoples’ welfare. Therefore, it is a matter of pride to be a Member of the Parliament and the Legislature. Members and Presiding Officers should maintain each other's dignity for the betterment of people and progress of the country.
Holding the Presiding Officers in high esteem, MPs and MLAs earn respect for themselves and for the parliamentary democracy itself.The President said that Parliament and Legislative Assemblies are the cornerstone of our parliamentary system. They have an important responsibility to work for a better future of our countrymen. In the last few decades, expectations, aspirations and awareness of the general public have been on the rise. Therefore, the role and responsibilities of Parliament and Legislatures have come into focus even more. Peoples’ representatives are expected to remain true to the principles of democracy. The biggest challenge before democratic institutions and peoples’ representatives is to live up to the expectations of the people.Expressing happiness over the theme of this year’s Conference ‘Harmonious Coordination between Legislature, Executive and Judiciary- Key to a Vibrant Democracy’, the President said that all the three organs of state - the executive, the legislature and the judiciary - have been working in harmony and the tradition has taken strong roots here in India. He exuded confidence that our democratic system will be further strengthened by adopting the conclusions drawn from the deliberations during the Conference.The President said that the democratic system is eventually governed by the supreme goal of peoples’ welfare, especially the upliftment of the poor, backward and the deprived sections of our society and the progress of the country. He expressed confidence that the three organs of governance together will continue to work towards achieving this goal.