To commemorate the on-going 551st Birth Anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, Chandigarh University Gharuan in association with Government of Punjab today inaugurated "Guru Nanak Chair for Studies in Universal Advancements''. Spiritual Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Technical Education & Tourism Minister Punjab, Charnjeet Singh Channi, Social Activist and Environmentalist Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal inaugurated the Guru Nanak Chair for Studies in Universal Advancements at the campus of Chandigarh University. The Chair will offer a multidisciplinary platform for quality research along with publications on the teachings of Guru Nanak on the Sustainable Development for humanity. To underline the importance of medicinal plants amongst the community especially when the world is struggling from the COVID-19 pandemic, tricity's first Guru Nanak Bagichi comprising 13 highly used medicine plants was also inaugurated at the University campus.While addressing the gathering, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, said, "The philosophy and teachings of Guru Nanak are relevant and important for mankind especially when the world is fighting a war against an unknown enemy, coronavirus. The teachings of a great guru should not only be confined to one religion but give a universal message to propagate love and pray for prosperity of others". Sri Sri Ravi Shankar further said, "If the world wants to achieve success in meeting the United Nations Sustainable development Goals, then we have to walk down the path shown by Guru Nanak ".Charanjeet Singh Channi said, "How visionary Guru Nanak Dev Ji was as the Guru gave the message for sustainable development 550 years ago which the United Nations is discussing amongst the nations today and is very much relevant in the 21st century". The minister further said, "Guru Nanak's Chair at Chandigarh University will undertake research in the areas of Gender Equality & Women Empowerment, Interfaith Dialogue, Environment & Sustainability and Socio-Economic Inclusiveness for which the University will rope-in Research Scholars, Religious Leaders from around the world to conduct the research in defined areas".While giving the message of protecting the environment for our children, social activist Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal said, "Guru Nanak has conveyed the message to respect nature, mother earth and other natural resources like water and air. We have forgotten the teachings of Guru Nanak who said that 'Pawan Guru Paani Pita Mata Dharat Mahat' which means that our environment is like our family but what we see today is deteriorating air due to pollution and depleting underground water".