Actress Payal Ghosh has called Sooraj Barjatya and Anurag Kashyap two sides of a coin. Payal, who has accused Kashyap of sexual harassment, wrote of her experience of meeting the two filmmakers on her verified Twitter account on Saturday."The first time I met Sooraj Barjatya Sir, thought life is full of roses and when I met Mr. Kashyap the whole meaning changed. Two sides of a coin. It changed me to a different person than what I used to be .. anyway life looks better now, feeling fresh as the early days of my career," she wrote.The actress, who claims to have battled depression and panic attacks in the past, shared a piece of advice regarding mental health on the occasion of World Mental Health Day on Saturday."Let's try to be happy in real life and not just on social media . Communication, commitment and consistency will hold us a long way in this. Let's treat mental health equally as physical health," Payal wrote in a separate tweet.