Advisor to Lieutenant Governor, KK Sharma today said that the purpose of National Education Policy (NEP) is to develop quality human resource of rational thought and vibrant knowledge society.The Advisor made these comments during the webinar conducted by State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) on NEP-2020, Challenges and Opportunities viz a viz J&K.The Webinar was attended by Director NCERT Prof. Hrushikesh Senapaty, Prof Veena Pandita, Director SCERT JK, Dr. Anuradha Gupta, Director School Education Jammu, Joint Directors SCERT, Mr. Abid Hussain & Mr. H R Pakroo, Prof. Renu Nanda, Dean Faculty of Education, University of Jammu, Director Academics (JKBOSE), Dr. Farooq Ahmad Peer, Joint Secretaries (JKBOSE), Prof. Wahid Makhdoomi, Prof. Arif Akhoon, Prof. Aijaz Ahmad Hakak, Prof. Sudhir Singh, Mohammad Altaf Hussain, Assistant Directors, Academics (JKBOSE), Dr Mohd Sayid Bhat, Assistant Prof. Dept. Of Education, Central University of Kashmir, Dr Ritu Bakshi, Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies, Central University of Jammu, Principal DIETs , Faculty members from SCERT JK and all the DIETs of JK.Delivering keynote address during the webinar, K K Sharma highlighted the need and importance of NEP with respect to UT of J&K. He maintained that the purpose of NEP is to develop quality human resource of rational thought who possess compassion and empathy, courage and resilience, scientific temper and creative imagination.
Director, NCERT, Prof. Hrushikesh Senapaty in his address highlighted that the NEP-2020 aims to address the growing developmental imperatives of the nation. The policy proposes revision and revamping of all aspects of educational structure and governance to create a new system which is aligned with the aspirations of 21st century skills and improve the quality of the education in the nation.During the inaugural session, Prof Veena Pandita, presented Welcome Address in which she highlighted the need and importance of conducting such webinars in order to understand the National Policy on Education and its implementation in JK UT.The chairperson of the session, Prof Renu Nanda summed up the day’s proceedings and laid emphasis on the implementation of NEP 2020 that contributes directly in transforming India into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society by providing quality education to all. The goal can be achieved only by ensuring universal access to high quality ECCE across the country in a phased manner.During the webinar two presentations by SCERT on early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) were presented by resource persons which stressed upon the need and importance of ECCE as over 83% of child’s cumulative brain developments occur before the age of six. Both the presentations discussed the challenges and bottlenecks in implementation of ECCE in J&K. The presentations were followed by open Question-Answer Session, in which participants posed their relevant queries which were satisfactorily responded by the experts.A panel discussion on ECCE was also held during the webinar with reference to NEP-2020.The session was concluded by unveiling the Logo of newly established SCERT which highlights the aims and objectives of SCERT.