With heavy showers continuing its spell, slithery reptiles have been spotted seeking shelter in residential complexes in Agra, leaving the denizens in a state of panic.On Friday night, the Wildlife SOS Rapid Response Unit rescued a six-foot-long Indian rock python from a sewage pipe in Nirbhaya Nagar, behind Asopa Hospital and Research Centre in Agra. The reptile was kept under observation for a few hours and later released back to its natural habitat.Shiv Pratap Singh, one of the residents said, "We were on our terrace when we heard a hissing sound coming from the drainage pipe. Upon further investigation, we found a python stuck inside. We immediately alerted the Wildlife SOS team."A rescuer from the NGO rushed to the spot with necessary rescue equipment and carefully extricated the large reptile out from the drain and transferred it to a safe transport carrier.In another incident, the Wildlife SOS team rescued a five-foot long python and a venomous snake from Dolphin Water park in Runakta.Another, seven-foot-long python was also rescued from the bathroom of a house in Khandauli, Agra.Baijuraj M.V, Director Conservation Projects for Wildlife SOS, said, "Our work is sending out a very important message as people show more compassion towards these highly misunderstood reptiles by calling for help. We request people to keep supporting us and to report any such incidents on our helpline."