The call given by our Prime Minister to become Self-Reliant India is a visionary thought and Indian Youth should be the driving force to turn this dream into reality by taking this crisis as an opportunity to become more innovative by doing research and bringing out ideas that can not only shape the new world but also make our country a powerhouse of development” said Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, World Renowned Spiritual Leaders and founder of Art of Living. The spiritual leader was interacting live with the students and faculty during a virtual session on “Staying Positive during Crisis” which was jointly organized by Chandigarh University and The Art of Living Foundation. More than 45,000 students and faculty from all over India participated in the live session during which the spiritual guru motivated the youth to Stay Positive by practicing meditation during the current pandemic crisis. While sharing his thoughts, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said, “On one hand the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev are so much relevant to the world as it teaches the humanity to foster self-centric approach & serve the humanity while on the other hand the teachings of tenth guru, Guru Gobind Singh which is to leave distress behind and become a fighter & protector of humanity is very much essential in every human being during the current global pandemic crisis”.
While interacting with the students, spiritual guru, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar said, “Today as a society we have to wage a war against the evils of drugs which has engulfed the youth who are finding it difficult to cope-up with the problems & situations that they are facing in their professional & personal lives”. He further added that every 45 second, a human being is taking his or her life by committing suicide because they don’t have the fighting spirit and courage to face the problems or rejections. “Millions of jobs have been lost and the economy has rocked bottom due to COVID-19 but we cannot give-up and should consider it as a testing time which has many positive aspects attached to it like the nature has rejuvenated itself and as humans we are more connected & strongly bonded to our loved ones” said Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. “The world knows Punjab as land which preaches bravery & courage and today when we are going through the tough times due to COVID-19, it is this fighting spirit that we all have to learn and practice in our lives” said Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. While replying to the students queries, Sri Sri said, “Use meditation to boost your inner immunity while practice yoga to boost-up your physical strength which is very crucial for every human being during the coronavirus pandemic”.Sri Sri Ravi Shankar also launched “Drug Free Campus” program from Chandigarh University which is the second edition of the national campaign “Drug Free India” launched by the spiritual guru from the university campus in 2019.“The teachings of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar have been motivational for the youth and Chandigarh University is committed to spread the message of peace & harmony amongst the youth who are truly the future of our country” said Satnam Singh Sandhu, Chancellor, Chandigarh University.