With the increasing number of COVID-19 cases, it becomes important to digitally manage the data collected at various points in this ecosystem and derive a meaningful information and accordingly take decisions.Punjab Government had been front runner in COVID-19 data management and had its IT system ready in the month of February 2020. The citizen Mobile App named “COVA Punjab” was formally launched on 9th March 2020 by then Chief Secretary to Government of Punjab. The App was aimed to provide citizens with various protective care measures, information on prevention products and information of manufacturers in Punjab, Corona Hospitals with Nodal officer’s contact number, FAQs, Chat-bot based services, Check Health Status and information on various government orders. The dashboard of the App provides authentic and real time information on the COVID cases in state. The Connect to Doctor feature allows the citizen to speak to doctor and have basic help taken.The Chief Secretary, Ms Vini Mahajan shared that the application kept evolving with time and during the curfew time in the State and lockdown throughout the country, the Technical Team of Department of Governance Reforms had been working relentlessly and kept introducing the features required at very moment. Integration was done with e-Sanjeevani for online OPD in the Government Hospitals of Punjabwhere more than 1300 consultations have been done so far. COVA also had option for the migrant workers to register for food, travel to their home town and book train ticket. Citizens were shared information on Grocery/essential service provider’s information in their area. They were able to book the grocery online as well. Ms Mahajan shared that option to generate Online Curfew Pass was introduced on COVA during the curfew time which was basis approval from respective Nodal Officers. This has been now changed to self-registration to enter the State of Punjab so that Traveller’s quarantine protocol may be monitored.
She further shared that Citizens can check out their nearest COVID patient/suspect/hotspot using the App. Mission Fateh, the flagship program of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Punjab has seen 7 Lac registrations and its increasing. People are very much following the three advices of the campaign i.e. Maintaining Social Distance, washing your hands regularly and wearing the mask. Due to this, the number of COVID cases in Punjab are far less that other states.Ms Mahajan shared that the citizens can install the app and keep their Bluetooth ON. The App will notify the citizen in case they come in close contact with any COVID suspect. This service has proved very beneficial. Also, citizens can check their Health Status from App and App will suggest them if they are healthy or need to get the COVID-19 Test done. It will also share the information on COVID-19 test centers near to you. The COVA Platform is integrated with ICMR platform which helps to deliver the test report to individuals to test Negative or Positive daily in state of Punjab.Citizens can use the App to report any mass gathering in their locality, report any inter-state Traveller in their locality, book appointment before you visit Sewa Kendras and participate in Mission Fateh contest.Besides various services to citizens, the platform provides decision making reports to the Administrative departments like Health, Police, District Administration and State COVID Control Room. Real time dashboards are available for Patients Management, Quarantine Management, Health Infrastructure, Incoming Travelers Management, Contact Tracing/Tracking etc. The COVA platform is integrated to AarogyaSetuand ITIHAS platformsalso and data is shared to take administrative decisions. The system is helping State police to manage the Travellers moving into Punjab or Transiting through Punjab. More than 11 Lac registrations of Travellers has been registered and monitored online. Ms Mahajan shared that total 50 lac registrations on COVA has happened till date and increasing daily.The upcoming feature of App will allow citizens to check the availability of COVID Beds in various government and private hospitals in state of Punjab. The recovered patients will also be able to submit request for Volunteer to donate Plasma and help others.