The landholders of Jammu and Kashmir would soon get digital land titling as the government is close to finalize Request For Proposal (RFP) for digitization of the land records under Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) .An ambitious Project to provide digital land titling guarantee to the land holders of Jammu and Kashmir has been launched by the UT government by floating Request For Proposal (RFP) in Public Domain under Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP).The Project includes Data Entry/Re-Entry/Conversion of all textual Records, Digitization (Vectorisation) of Cadastral Maps, (Mussavis), Survey/re-survey with the usage of CORS Net based methodology for updation of Land Records, integration with Record of Rights (RoR), together with Training and Capacity Building of the Revenue staff.For ensuring that the Project is completed in a time bound manner, proposals for outsourcing the entire work to competent and experienced IT and GIS companies have been invited.In J&K, an empowered Agency viz; Jammu and Kashmir Land Record Management Agency (JaKLaRMA) headed by Financial Commissioner, Revenue, J&K as its Chief Executive Officer, JaKLaRMA convened series of hectic meetings with the Union Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Land Resources, Government of India and Government of Union Territory approved the work of digitization of Land Records for the entire UT of J&K.The Agency formulated a Request For Proposal for inviting IT and GIS Solution provider for outsourcing the activities involved in the Implementation of Digital India Land Records Modernization Programme (DILRMP) in the UT of J&K. The RFP after approval of the Technical Committee of the JaKLaRMA was floated in public domain for inviting online proposals through JKtenders e-Portal. The RFP was also uploaded on Official Website and published in the local and National Dailies. The last date for submission of proposals was fixed on 27.06.2020.
In response to RFP, three proposals were received online up to the Proposal Due Date and time from M/s RAMTeCH Software Solution Pvt. Ltd. Rudrabhishek Enterprise Pvt. Limited (REPL) and Geovista Technologies Pvt. Ltd.All the three Proposals received were downloaded from JKtenders e-Portal on 04.08.2020 in the presence of Dr. Pawan Kotwal, Financial Commissioner, Revenue/CEO, JaKLaRMA, J&K by the Technical Committee of the JaKLaRMA headed by Commissioner Survey and Land Records, J&K at (11:00 IST) after following all the conditions circulated by CVC Government of India. The representatives of the aforesaid bidders were also present while downloading the proposals.The Evaluation Committee met on 04.08.2020 at 11:00 IST under the Chairmanship of Commissioner S&LR, J&K (Ex-Officio Additional CEO, JaKLaRMA) and opened the pre-qualification bids in presence of Dr. Pawan Kotwal, Financial Commissioner, Revenue/CEO, JaKLaRMA, J&K, Members of the Committee and representatives of all the three bidders. The bids were checked by the Evaluation Committee as per the format for pre-qualification bid and found in order as per the terms and condition of the RFP and declared qualified for Technical Evaluation.The Evaluation Committee again met on 05.08.2020 at 12:00 IST under the Chairmanship of Commissioner S&LR, J&K (Ex-Officio Additional CEO, JaKLaRMA) opened technical proposals and downloaded online documents of the three bidders and evaluated them. The proposals were evaluated by the Committee on the basis of technical parameters laid down in the RFP in presence of the representatives of the aforesaid bidders. The Evaluation Committee after evaluation of the proposals declared all the aforementioned three bidders technically qualified. Thereafter, a Technical Presentation on technical parameters in term of RFP was made by the representatives of the aforesaid bidders. After over viewing the presentations of three bidders and the Technical Documents on the basis of the RFP, Technical Committee decided to open the Financial Bid on 06.08.2020 at 12:10 pm.The Committee again met on 06.08.2020 at 11:00 IST to open and evaluate the Financial Bids of the technically qualified bidders. The Financial Bids were opened at 12:10 pm in the presence of Dr. Pawan Kotwal, Financial Commissioner, Revenue/CEO, JaKLaRMA, J&K and the representatives of the aforesaid technically qualified bidders. The online Evaluation of the bids was made and a comparative statement was drawn which depicted M/s Geovista Info technologies Pvt. Ltd. emerged to be (L1), Rudrabhishek Enterprises Limited (L2) & M/s RAMTeCH Software Solutions Pvt. LTd (L3). The contract shall be awarded to the qualified bidders after completion of all the codal formalities within shortest possible time.The Members of the Technical Committee present were Syed Shahnawaz Bukhari , Commissioner S&LR, J&K (Chairman), Rishpal Singh, Additional Commissioner (C) (Member Secretary)Dr. Mushtaq Ahmed, Regional Director S&LR, Jammu (Member), Mohd Qasim Wani, Regional Director S&LR, Srinagar (Member), Ashok Kumar, FA/CAO, Revenue Department , J&K (Member), Dr. Humayun Rashid, Scientist (F) Remote Sensing Department (Member online), Imran Sofi, Project Manager IT Department (Member online), Tarsem lal Sharma, Former Director Survey of India (Co-opted Members),Tarsem Chand, Consutlant, JaKLaRMA to assist Evaluation Committee, besides representatives of the Bidders were also present included Krishan Mohan, Geovista Infotechnologies, Pvt. Ltd., Vikram Jasrotia, Kuldeep Singh, Surindra Nath Das , Rudrabhishek Enterprises Limited (REPL), Dr. Harish Sharma , REPL, Dr. R.K Singh Rana, RAMTeCH Software Solution Pvt. Ltd., Gyamendra Kumar, RAMTeCH Software Solution Pvt. Ltd., Dhananjay Kumar, RAMTeCH Software Solution Pvt. Ltd.