Bharatiya Janata Party President Suresh Kashyap and newly appointed Minister in Government Sukhram Chaudhary were welcomed by BJP workers at Shoghi Bazar in Shimla district, headed by District President Ravi Mehta, occampined by state spokesman Baldev Tomar and Purshottam Guleria state vice-president, was present .A large number of activists participated during the program with special attention towards social distancing.Addressing the program, District President Ravi Mehta said that it is a matter of pride for the Shimla parliamentary constituency that the state president of the Bharatiya Janata Party is from this parliamentary and it is even more fortunate for the Shimla district that Shimla district has got the opportunity to welcome the State President and the newly appointed minister for the first time in state. He said that in this program, all the workers organized the program taking proper care of all the rules of social distance.He said that there is a lot of enthusiasm and energy among the Bharatiya Janata Party workers about these appointments, the workers have shown the passion to take the Bharatiya Janata Party to new heights.He particularly thanked the Central Leadership, National President BJP Jagat Prakash Nadda and Chief Minister Jairam Thakur for giving Shimla Parliamentary constituency a big gift with happiness as appointing Suresh Kashyap as the party and Sukhram Chaudhary as the Minister.State co media head karan nanda and State Office secretary pyar singh kanwar were also present in the programme held.