Enormous water pollution, protracted drought, increased water-borne disease, and much more! These are some of the issues regarding water scarcity in India, which have become common nowadays. In most of the rural parts of India, there are still thousands of people who fight battles against rasping weather conditions and long distances to access clean drinking water. And in a few urban areas, we can find many dwellers that get limited water supply or unclean drinking water. In simple terms, the entire nation is struggling with the issue of water shortage. However, there are some water heroes among us, who are stepping out to do the best for water conservation.Water dada Vedant Goel and water Dada Yusuf Soni are among such water heroes of India. They have not only started an initiative towards ‘water conservation’ but also have constructed new ways for the people in Maharashtra to conserve and re-use water and avoid wastage. Water Dada is a title given to them, or you can say an appreciation of words, for their fantastic work towards society. These water heroes are social activists, who are already saving more than 40,000 liters of water every day in Pune and nearby areas. Do you think, ‘it’s unbelievable’? But it is true! Let’s get inspiration from their journey.
Who are these Water Heroes of India?
Water heroes of India, Vedant Goel, and Yusuf Soni started their journey of water conservation in 2016. It was the year 2015 when they had an idea in their mind to initiate some steps which can be fruitful for the whole society. However, both of them were college friends, and have a track record of actively participating in many social activities and campaigns in their college days. Vedant and Yusuf are already recognized by the Limca Book of World Records for directing the largest dental awareness camp in the nation.But the spark in their mind to begin with water conservation, and fight the present and upcoming issue of water scarcity in India, took a flight which has a never landing stop. The foundation of ‘I Need Sai’ organization occurred in 2016, which was the legal entity name to contribute to the social cause. At present, the social initiative of water conservation of these water heroes of India is saving more than 40,000 liters of water per day with the help of schools and students. At the initial phases, the ‘water conservation’ initiative started saving 40 liters of water per day, and by approaching more and more contributors, they have set a new milestone.
From 40 Litres to 40,000 Litres – A Never-Ending Journey
Both the water heroes of India, i.e., water dada Vedant Goel and water dada Yusuf Soni, have approached a different way to start with the water conservation initiative. In 2015, during the conduction of dental awareness camp in various schools, both of them noticed the children who were chucking away their leftover drinking water while returning home. This incident was the start of their journey to become water heroes of India.Vedant and Yusuf started installing drums outside these schools, where both of them instructed the students to pour the leftover water in their water bottles while going home. This small step towards water conservation worked fantastically, and the responses were amazing. There were liters of conserved water every day, which was further useful for watering the plants or cleaning the school toilets. As a result, both of the water dada decided to expand their reach to more schools and conserve more water every day. This campaign of water conservation and tying up with numbers of schools is one of the successful water conservation initiatives nowadays.Up until now, a total of 52 schools with approx. two thousand five hundred students from each school are a part of this ‘water conservation’ initiative by these two water heroes. More than 1.30 lac students are successfully participating in the action, and their contribution is saving more than 40,000 liters of water per day. Vedant and Yusuf are now targeting to approach 15 to 20 lakh students to join the initiative and contribute their part in water conservation.
Successful Achievement of ‘Water Conservation’ Initiative by These Water Heroes
The water conservation initiative started by these water heroes of India, Vedant and Yusuf, has already accomplished its most significant achievement of changing the behavior and thinking of more than 1 lac students as well as their family towards water usage. As per Vedant Goel, the founder of ‘I Need Sai’ organization, “The real water heroes are the children because, without their active participation, our mission of water conservation could never reach this stage. These children have changed their parents also, which is a greater contribution towards the society. Children are the future of this nation, and if they know how to conserve and save water, then it’s superb.”The main ambition of this social initiative of ‘water conservation,’ started by water dada Vedant and water dada Yusuf, is to educate the students of various schools about the importance of water and the issue of water scarcity. The procedure of collecting leftover water in the drums and re-using them for sustainable uses is a great way to train the little ones about sustainable development.These water heroes are now in talks with the government agencies to expand this idea and initiative to various other parts of the nation through government resources. With just 52 schools, if these water heroes are saving 40,000+ liters of water per day, then we can imagine how much water can be saved by taking this initiative at a national level. Vedant and Yusuf have shown us that even one idea or one step can make a massive change in saving water, re-using conserved water, and avoiding the wastage of water for planned water conservation. You can also participate in this initiative of water conservation and be a water hero along with Vedant and Yusuf because this is also your nation. Save water, save a life!