A meeting of the Technical Committee was held here today under the Chairmanship of Financial Commissioner, Revenue J&K, Dr Pawan Kotwal who is also Ex-Officio Chief Executive Officer, JaKLaRMA.Threadbare discussion were held on the methodology to be adopted for survey/resurvey for Modernization of Land Records in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir under DILRMP.Former Director, Survey of India and Expert in the field of Survey, T L Sharma gave some suggestions on Modern Technology options as per the type of terrain/requirements including Pure Ground method using Electronic Total Station (ETS) and Differential Global Positioning System (GPS).He also suggested Hybrid methodology using Aerial Photography, (Drone survey, if feasible) Ground Truthing by ETS and DGPs and High Resolution Satellite Imagery (HRSI) and Ground Truthing by ETS and DGPs.He further suggested that a Modern Technology for Survey/re-survey with the usage of CORS (Continually Operating Reference Station) based Network is the best technology and being used in the states like Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, MP, Uttrakhand, Uttra Pradesh, Rajasthan and Punjab.The CORS GCPs shall be established at the distance of 50 Kms and the total network will comprise of 16 stations which will cost Rs 300.00 Lakh. The positional accuracy of Rovers with CORS Net is better than 5 cm and linear distortion less than 15 cm.The Committee discussed all the technical, financial and feasible parameters of the methodology of CORS for survey/re-survey. The Survey/re-survey with the usage of CORS Net will achieve accuracy standards and more importantly work can be standard if delivered of indented HRSI. Moreover, it is cost effective and security effective. The necessary amendment in the RFP floated on 05-03-2020 for Modernization of Land Records shall be amended accordingly.Commissioner Survey & Land Records, J&K Syed Shahnawaz Bukhari, FA/CAO, Revenue Department, Sema Bhasin; Additional Commissioner Central, Nazir Ahmed Baba and Consultant JaKLaRMA, Tarsem Chand attended the meeting.